The Exorcism of Frosty the Snowman
by Jon Shuerger

There is a war raging unseen for the souls of children. In the frozen north, children link hands in a ritual circle and sing a song they never learned to summon a primordial enemy they never knew existed. The only man who knows the truth, an Inquisitorial agent called Hunter, must track the creature through the vastness of the tundra, through the dangers of the Christmas Forest, to the gates of the citadel of the Red Saint himself. He’s just a fairytale, they say. They are wrong.
Series: Single Book
Age Recommendation: 15+
Content Notice: Disturbing images and scenes of graphic violence
Faith Based: kind of
ISBN: 978-17226-6171-7

This strange, dark twisting of Christmas clichés requires the right audience to truly enjoy it.
The Exorcism of Frosty the Snowman, an odd, darkly twisted take on many Christmas traditions and tropes, is an enjoyable read if you are up for that sort of thing. This short story is well-written though it does hit a slight rough patch near the end. The plot is handled well, keeping the action at a high clip while feeding out enough information so everything makes sense. The characters begin feeling a bit clichéd but in the relatively slim real estate, quick develop into full-fledged people in their own rite, and all this worked in effortlessly around the action. I appreciate the skill at writing Mr. Shuerger has and enjoyed this thin volume; however, I knocked its overall rating down to a three because it will take the right kind of person to truly enjoy this story. While The Exorcism of Frosty the Snowman has made it onto my annual Christmas reading list, but I feel it is unlikely to earn a place in the Christmas traditions of most families.
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