Skipping Christmas
by John Grisham

PLOT SYNOPSIS (from the back of the book)
Imagine a year without Christmas. No crowded malls, no corny office parties, no fruitcakes, no unwanted presents. That’s just what Luther and Nora Krank have in mind when they decide that, just this once, they’ll skip the holiday altogether. Theirs will be the only house on Hemlock Street without a rooftop Frosty, they won’t be hosting their annual Christmas Eve bash, they aren’t even going to have a tree. They won’t need one, because come December 25 they’re setting sail on a Caribbean cruise. But as this weary couple is about to discover, skipping Christmas brings enormous consequences – and isn’t half as easy as they’d imagined.
Series: Single Book
Age Recommendation: 15+
Content Notice: Rude behavior and mild sequences of peril
Faith Based: No
ISBN: 978-04404-2297-6

This humorous, exciting, and surprisingly heartfelt story is a great, quick read to get you into the holiday spirit.
Skipping Christmas is a fun and funny quick read geared toward the Christmas season. The story focuses on a pair of newly empty-nesters and their plan to skip the stress and monetary commitment of the season, going on a cruise instead. Their reasoning is logical, and the hijinks which ensue as they try to explain to everyone that they are skipping Christmas are the main source of the story’s humor. Though adults will no doubt be able to relate, children, for whom Christmas tends to be more magical and less stressful, are less likely to see the humor. For this reason, though the novel has practically no objectionable material, a surprisingly wholesome and heartfelt message, and an easily digestible writing style, I am recommending it only for older audiences. Being critical, I would say the plot is a bit thin and exists largely to progress the comedy. Normally this would be a problem, but given the relatively short length of the novel and the comedic focus of the story, it works here. It is also worth noting I was initially off put by what feels like a very cynical outlook on Christmas; however, by the end it is clear the message is that of true Christmas Spirit. I had a good time with Skipping Christmas and have included it on my annual holiday reading list.
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