We Were Delta
by Derek Erickson
PLOT SYNOPSIS (from the back of the book)
The Delta were created to save the world. They were immortal warriors who shrugged off lasers, were stronger than a thousand men, and could win wars single handedly. And until yesterday, they were just like Earth. A bedtime story.
Now Sadie’s reservation is about to be invaded. The bugs are coming and there’s no time to question legends. Grandma swears a Delta can save them and that’s all that matters.
But Sadie could have never known who she made a deal with. A simple job to save the reservation is about to plunge her, the planet, and possibly the whole galaxy back into a war everyone had hoped to forget.
Series: Master’s War
Book: 1
Age Range: 15+
Content Notice: Graphic violence, occasional obscenities, mild drug use, mild sexual language
Faith Based: No
ISBN: 979-8385758739

This sci-fi series boasts a fantastic galaxy populated with interesting aliens, compelling characters, and complex history
We Were Delta is an exciting science fiction story of the far-distant future. The setting of the story is one of its strongest aspects. There is plenty of opportunity for assorted and interesting worlds, and this galaxy-spanning adventure does not disappoint. From snow covered planets and sub-terranean human reservations to mining space stations and galactic battle cruisers, the variety of settings is incredible. This keeps the reader on their toes with unique fish-out-of-water scenarios, creative politics, and engaging action sequences. The species in the book are also quite diverse, including fur-covered humanoid bear creatures, carnivorous bugs with no qualms about eating humans, amorphous gelatinous blobs, and everything in between. Each race has drastically different abilities, physiology, moral codes, and social structures. The differences between species are used logically and to great effect to create a world which, when combined with the plethora of settings, feels massive, believable, and at the same time, exciting and unexpected. On the other side of the coin, the plot is the weakest aspect of this book. That isn’t to say it is bad, indeed each series of events (sometimes one chapter, sometimes a collection of chapters) works well in a microcosm; however, the overall story suffers from a lack of focus. There are two main characters who have disparate if not competing objectives. The goal of one is, in essence, to survive, and she spends the story being led from one page to the next. Her lack of agency makes her feel more like a secondary character than the main she is clearly intended to be. The other protagonist is a mercenary which, in the context of this book, means he moves between objectives only tangentially related for the majority of the book, and his goal does not crystallize until the beginning of the third act. This lack of focus hampers the overall flow and structure of the story to a certain extent; nevertheless, a competently created, high-stakes third act does salvage the plot. The believable characters are a strong point of the book, being likable when appropriate and hatable when necessary. Each character is unique which leads to some great interactions between them. There is one nagging belief of one of the protagonists which I find to be unsubstantiated and, therefore, annoyingly unbelievable, but this is a small complaint in the grand scheme of things. We Were Delta creates a fantastic world, has great characters, and a storyline and climax to complement them. It is worth putting on your reading list.
DISCLAIMER: When I review books, weaknesses and inconsistencies tend to dominate my discussion; therefore, I will emphasize that any particular rant (and, yes, they can be long-winded) does not have special bearing on my unified opinion of the book. For this, please refer to my overall star rating. Additionally, this review is my personal opinion, intended to help like-minded readers navigate the plethora of available options. Use it as a tool but do not assign undue importance to it (i.e. feel free to disagree with me).
- The writing in this book has a few technical issues like ambiguous sentences, words in the wrong order, and missing words, but nothing stands out as bogging down the readability of the novel.
- There is a person who wears, at their hip, a dirk, a longsword, and a claymore. Of course, there is the issue of which type of claymore is being referenced here and if it could even be worn on the hip, but let’s give the benefit of the doubt and assume it is a basket hilt Scottish claymore. Even in this case, wearing three bladed weapons on one hip seems like a dubious proposition both due to the actual area available to fasten the weapons as well as their weight. It would probably make more sense to wear the two swords on opposite hips to prevent tangling them when drawing and to balance out the weight. That said, I am not an avid sword user, so I don’t have any first-hand knowledge of this. Perhaps I am wrong, and this is an acceptable way to wear weaponry.
- The world of the book is fantastic. The universe has lots of alien species, each of which feels distinct. They are not all humanoid as is the case in some sci-fi universes, rather each has drastically different abilities, physiologies, and social structures. The history is apparent, but the book doesn’t beat you over the head with it. It simply exists, shaping the world and story and is referenced in organic ways. Settings are unique, distinct, logical, and interesting. From a sub-terranean human reservation which mines materials from the earth to snow covered planets, mining space stations, and galactic battle stations, each location is engrossing. The protagonist’s spaceship also has a greenhouse built into it to grow food he remembers from earth which is cool and a neat way to build the universe while also fleshing out the character.
- TINY SPOILERS: When Louis changes his hair and skin color in the elevator near the beginning of the book, it seems to happen instantaneously and with no evidence of the transformation. A few chapters later, however, the process takes longer with sloughed off skin and hair being a byproduct of the alteration. This contradiction was not enough to take me out of the story, but it is inconsistent.
- MINOR SPOILERS: There are some great interactions between the characters. Even the jerk of an AI is likable in her own way. However, Saedie’s continued trepidation that she is just a bargaining chip to Louise and the thoughts to this effect he has near the conclusion of the story don’t ring true. It is possible that Saedie’s past experience could have “people” who seem nice but only when it is convenient, but the book doesn’t show this. Louis is nothing but nice to her, so her trepidation doesn’t land. Additionally, the windows into his thoughts over the course of the book don’t really support the idea that he views her merely as a bargaining chip, so this quandary near the end of the book isn’t consistent with his character.
- SPOILERS: The emergency at the space station seems kind of pointless. The fragile nature of the station was not apparent until this sequence, it was not caused by the antagonist, and it does not propel the plot. It is an isolated incident which, if taken out of the book, would not alter the story at all. It is exciting and entertaining, though.
- MAJOR SPOILERS: What is the main focus of the story? This is hard to nail down because there are two protagonists with different character traits and goals. Louis is a mythical Delta who cares about nothing beyond killing the machines who defeated him long ago. His involvement early in the story is as a dispassionate mercenary. Shortly after, he gets news of an old friend and goes to reconnect. Then, he heads back to Saedie’s planet in a bid to kill a machine overlord. Saedie, on the other hand, has no real drive. Initially she wants to save her home and afterward she is simply trying to survive, dragged along by Louis. This is true for the majority of the story. Also, Saedie is a Rho, though this doesn’t fit well into the narrative. Overall, the story is a little unfocused, but the characters are good enough and the action exciting enough to carry it. Also, the climax has high physical and emotional stakes, so it mostly effectively wraps up the story.
Search for the ISBN wherever books are sold
ISBN: 979-8385758739